Monday, August 14, 2017

Sate Padang (Satay ala Padang)

Sate Padang ala Pelaminan Buchyar

1 Kg daging Has sapi
air tuk merebus daging.../ sisakan sebanyak 750 ml
4 sdm tepung Beras

2 lb daun kunyit
1 batang sereh
3 cm Lengkuas
4 lb daun jeruk
Irisan daun bawang secukupnya

8 cabe merah
3 buah cabe rawit
8 butir bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
1/2 ketumbar
2 cm kunyit
2 cm jahe
1/4 sdt jintan
2 butir kapulaga
1 Blok kaldu Sapi Knorr
Garam secukupnya...

Ketupat dan Bawang Goreng....n Keripik singkong Pedas....

Potong daging beberapa bagian

Rebus air bersama daun KUNYIT DKK sampai mendidih, masukkan bumbu halus dan daging...
masak hingga daging matang kurang lebih 45 Mnt tambahkan air bila kurang

Sisakan air rebusan daging sebanyak 750 Ml.

Angkat daging bila sudah matang dan dinginkan air rebusan daging

Siapkan tusukan sate dan potong2 daging sesuai selera,
olesi minyak dan bakar/ oven sebentar

Untuk Kuah:
Setelah air rebusan dingin, masukkan 4 sdm tepung beras...
aduk hingga larut

Jerang dan didihkan kembali....aduk hingga kental
setelah mendidih masukkan irisan daun bawang dan matikan

Jadi deh Kuahnya....

siram Kuah keatas sate dan taburi bawang goreng diatasnya...

Sate Maranggi Purwakarta

Untuk membuatnya siapkan bahan-bahan berikut ini :
Daging sapi 600 gr
100 gr gula aren, parutan
3 sdm kecap manis
20 tusuk sate, lalu direndam dalam cairan gula aren.
Bumbu halus resep Sate Maranggi :
12 bawang merah
8 siung bawang putih
1 ½ sdm ketumbar
2 sdm ‘tebal’ air asam
1 ½ sdt garam
Saus Cabai:
5 cabai hijau kecil, cincang
1 tomat merah, cincang
2 bawang merah, cincang
Cuka 1 sdm
5 sdm kecap manis
Cara membuat Sate Maranggi :
1. Potong daging sapi ke dalam bentuk dadu, sekitar 1-1 ½ cm. Aduk rata dengan gula aren, kecap manis dan bumbu halus. Biarkan selama 30 menit untuk memungkinkan daging menyerap rasa.
2. potong Skew 4-5 daging di setiap tusuk sampai semua dadu daging yang dikonsumsi.
3. Panaskan panggangan di atas bara panas, grill sate sementara diasinkan, putar terbalik sampai matang merata, angkat.
4. Sambal: Campur cincang cabai hijau, irisan tomat dan bawang merah dalam mangkuk, tambahkan cuka dan kecap manis, aduk rata.
5. Tempatkan tusuk sate di piring saji, sajikan panas dengan saus dan lontong.
Tip: memilih bagian yg lembut untuk daging sapi atau kambing; misalnya tenderloin, kaki depan, samping atas atau panggul.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Mie Ayam recipe

I saw a posting on internet about "30 Indonesian food to try". And I found mie ayam is one of them. After googling the recipe here and there, it turned out this dish is an easy one to make. So here is my version of mie ayam:


1 whole chicken; medium size

Water to boil the chicken + 2 clove garlics

2 scallions; shreded
2 garlic; chopped
2 cm of ginger; crushed
2 tbs soy sauce
3 tbs kecap manis
3 tbs oyster sauce
1 can button mushroom
150 ml water
1/4 ts white pepper powder
1/2 ts cinnamon powder
1/2 ts clove powder

1 bunch of choi sum; chopped and boiled slightly in boiling water.

1 pack of noodles (eggs noodle, wheat noodle)


1. Boil the water and add the whole chicken. Wait till it half cook.
2. Throw 2 clove of crushed garlic to the water (chicken stock) and set aside.
3. Separated the chicken meat from its bone and shred the meat.
4. Heat the wok and stir fry the chopped garlic + ginger, add shredded chicken and scallions.
5. Stir the mix and add the mushroom, salted soy sauce, kecap manis, oyster sauce, pepper, cinnamon and clove powder, add water.
6. Boiled till it cooked and become brownish.
7. Prepare the noodle by boiling it in boiled water. Strain the noodle add a bit of vegetable oil.
8. Serve the noodle in a bowl tops with chicken mix and choi sum. Serve the chicken stock in separated small bowl.
9. Garnish with fried shallots, shredded scallions.
10. Serve with bottled sambal.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Beef Kebab

I have been a fan of middle eastern food ever since I tasted it in Norebro, Copenhagen few years ago. My friend and I wandered through the shops nearby Copenhagen university and ended up asking for direction in a store. The young girl who worked there, wore headscarves just like my friend then invited us to come to her ethnic community gathering and later invited us to a restaurant, that was the best ever kebab I have ever had. It so memorable and until now, my friend and I kept talking about that place. I have been trying to find the place few times later when I came back to Copenhagen but never succeeded, instead ended up having ones called Iskender kebab, in a restaurant at Norreport.

In a way I must thanked that girl who introduce me to the middle eastern food. In fact, I'll go to Shawarma stall first, anytime I arrived in Amsterdam. And I keep frequenting middle eastern food in any other city. Mama Ayesha, in Adams Morgan and Cafe Divan in George town, Manni kebabish in Prague, Mado and Caravan Serai in Brisbane and there are still a lot more places to go in my current city.

Haven't really thought of making one, till I met my volunteer friend who is Iranian of origin. So here is my translation of her recipe:

500 gr ground beef
1/2 cup bread crumb
1.5 ts salt
1/4 ts ground black pepper
1 large onion (I used 2 shallots instead)
1 garlic
a pinch of saffron thread
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 ts dried tamarind
1/2 tsp turmeric
1 tsp paprika powder
1 tbs butter


1. Grated the onion and sieve, grate the garlic then mix it to the beef.
2. Add bread crumb and all other ingredients
3. I don't have the metal skewer so instead I form the kebab in a smaller shape.
4. Stir fry the kebabs on each side for 3-4 minutes, the correct way of course to grill it on metal skewer.
5. Serve with pilaf rice and yoghurt sauce (plain yoghurt, chilli sauce, lime and black pepper)
6. Bon appetite!